Liposonix For Fat Reduction Specialist
Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine
Laser Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Irvine, CA
Want to change your body’s shape and size without the inconvenience and long recovery of surgery? Try Liposonix®. At Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine, Dr. Morris Ahdoot provides this high-intensity ultrasound to target fat tissue and help you achieve the physique you desire. If you live in Irvine, California or the surrounding area, contact the office by phone or book an appointment online to learn how you can lose fat quickly and safely.
Liposonix for Fat Reduction Q & A
What is Liposonix?
Liposonix uses high-intensity ultrasound energy to disrupt fat cells in targeted areas. The energy penetrates the outer layer of your skin to reach the fat below and destroy it permanently.
During your treatment, the ultrasound energy increases the temperature to 138°F to kill the targeted fat cells. In the eight to 12 weeks following the treatment, your body naturally disposes of the destroyed fat cells through its natural waste disposal system, including the liver and lymphatic system, leaving you thinner and loving your improved contours.
Liposonix is FDA approved and noninvasive. There are no incisions or stitches involved.
Who is a candidate for Liposonix?
Liposonix requires that your body has a layer of fat about one-inch thick. If you have thicker deposits of fat, the procedure is relatively ineffective. Fat that's less than a half-inch thick doesn’t respond to Liposonix.
Liposonix isn’t a comprehensive weight-loss program. To be a candidate, you should have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 30. You should also have realistic expectations about your results. Dr. Ahdoot performs a thorough physical exam and questionnaire to determine your eligibility.
Liposonix treats the same areas of the body as liposuction, without the surgery, scarring, and prolonged recovery. When you desire fat loss on your buttocks and thighs, you get better results with Liposonix treatment than with liposuction.
How long do Liposonix treatments and results last?
One Liposonix treatment with Dr. Ahdoot lasts about one hour. Fat lost via Liposonix is permanent, but you must follow a proper diet and exercise plan to maintain the results. If you
gain weight, the fat cells not destroyed by Liposonix can still expand.
What are the side effects of Liposonix?
Liposonix may result in temporary redness, mild bruising, discomfort, and swelling. The bruising and swelling usually resolve within one to two weeks. You leave the office without
messy bandages and wound care instructions, as you do with liposuction.
Does Liposonix hurt?
You may feel moderately uncomfortable pinching sensations during the procedure. As Dr. Ahdoot moves the head of the Liposonix system around each treatment area, expect to feel cold, prickling, and warmth. Dr. Ahdoot provides you with oral pain medication to ease any discomfort.
Call or book your appointment online with Dr. Morris Ahdoot at Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine to learn more about the effective Liposonix fat-loss system.
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